VAR Lab recently acquired a medical-grade UV-C headset cleaning box to keep its equipment sterile. The lab hopes to resume some of its in-person operations fall of 2020. This is contingent upon what university, state, and federal guidelines will be in the fall regarding COVID-19. Having lab members go into the lab space has some inherent risks of spreading the virus. However, VAR Lab hopes to minimize these risks by limiting the number of members allowed in the lab at one time and by sterilizing the equipment after use. This sterilization will be achieved using the Cleanbox X1 which has been “independently lab tested to kill 99.99% of bacteria, virus and fungi” according to Cleanbox. The advantage of this box is that it provides a way to sterilize the equipment without potentially harming the equipment which other methods such as heat or solutions may do. The UV-C box is one of several methods VAR Labs utilizes to ensure best practices for sanitization are employed throughout the lab and regarding lab equipment. VAR Lab is committed to producing quality research and advancing the world of technology in the way we use it in education and society. These goals do not surpass the safety of its lab members and the community it serves. That is why VAR Lab is also committed to doing as much as possible to combat the spread of COVID-19.