Over the course of several months, students and faculty collaborated to capture scans of about a dozen historical objects from two distinct eras (1890s and 1950s) gathered from the archives of the Hagen History Center and community partners. To ensure the best quality final product, scans were often repeated multiple times using our Artec Structured Light scanners.

Hagen History Center
by VAR Lab
on Sketchfab

The purpose of capturing these scans was for their inclusion in the interactive exhibits that the VAR Lab built for display at the Hagen History Center. Each 3D model is accessible through a screen and has an augmented reality experience set up through a QR code for the user’s phone. These scans were produced during the Spring 2022 semester. 

Since the Matchbox Studio space was under construction, all scanning was conducted in the main space of the VAR Lab in Merwin. Click here for more information on the VAR Lab’s interactive exhibits on display at the Hagen History Center.