Reflecting on the past year, we are pleased to report that 2022 was a highly successful year for VAR Edu, Behrend’s immersive Open Lab. The program established a strong presence on campus and was accessible to anyone interested in learning about immersive technologies. 

In Spring 2022, VAR Edu introduced open hours for the final 8 weeks of the semester. During this time, 172 patrons participated in immersive experiences, including students from four course sections held in the space, general student walk-ins, and on-campus events. These initial course integrations were well-received, highlighting the value of immersive technologies in providing a unique learning experience for students. 

In Fall 2022, VAR Edu ran for the entire 15 weeks of the semester and welcomed a total of 653 patrons. Of these, 249 participated in curriculum integrations from 12 distinct course sections spanning humanities, science, engineering, and business disciplines, showcasing the interdisciplinary potential of the technology. 

In addition to curriculum integrations, VAR Edu engaged in campus outreach events, allowing Behrend campus visitors to learn and interact with immersive content in an entertaining and interactive manner. These events attracted 270 patrons, while 134 patrons visited the Open Lab through walk-ins and on-campus events. 

Overall, 2022 was an exceptional year for VAR Edu, with significant progress made and a notable impact on the Behrend community. We look forward to providing more unique learning experiences to students and visitors in 2023. To learn more about VAR Edu and its open hours, please click here.